Thursday, March 14, 2013

What You Can Do

Being told you have cancer, any cancer, is absolutely devastating not just for the person with the diagnosis but also for all the people who love and care for that person. When someone you know is diagnosed with cancer you want to know what you can do to help. How can you make it easier for the other person?

 I also believe it can devastate the people who stand on the fringes of the diagnosed person’s life. Because being on the opposite side of that fence can make you face your own mortality. There you are just minding your own business when suddenly you realize the grass isn’t greener over there on that side of the fence. This can happen to anyone, at anytime, with absolutely no warning. You could be next.

My own cancer treatments began with major surgery and just when I started to feel whole again the chemo began to flow. During this time I do have to say “I was lucky”. My friends were strong, my family was stronger and even folks I barely know chipped in to help. Meals were delivered on a regular schedule ( and child care was a phone call away. Magazines turned up regularly in my mailbox to help me pass the time, emails were sent daily, cards were mailed, text messages were received and prayers were lifted. Hats were made for me, candles and lotions were given to me. I was surrounded with love and the good wishes of so many.

I can never thank everyone who helped me properly, or enough.

Which is why Michelle’s idea has become a reality. This is a way to give back, and it helps all those people out there who say “I wish there was something that I could do” to do something. You can help. You can help a lot of people. If you donate 20 bottles of hand lotion then you have just helped 20 people. If you get creative and feel whimsical and donate 10 beautiful, lace covered sleep masks then you have made 10 people smile. It’s really quite simple. And believe me when I say that the gifts you provide will be very appreciated. A person going thru cancer treatments is very likely to see a dip in their household income so that Burt’s Bee’s Lip Balm…? That is going to make someone’s day.

There can never be enough…because there will always be someone new diagnosed with cancer. Every day, at infusions centers all over the world, someone is getting their first infusion.

And you and I? We are going to make that person feel less lonely. We are going to make that person think “wow…there are wonderful people in this world”. We are going to make a difference, one bag at a time.

How awesome is that??

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