Friday, April 5, 2013

BINGO!! I heard that word shouted last night more times than I could count. If you are a BINGO player then you know how addictive the game can be, how high tensions can go, how quiet the room becomes the further you get into the game. I am not a BINGO player but something tells me that I may soon become one. Last night I was not playing BINGO. I was networking; selling raffle tickets for the Silpada Jewelry gift basket and helping the HTCC recreations director keep the tables clean and the night running smoothly. However, one of my friends that came out to play and support The CHEMO Bag had to leave early and so I took over her last 5 games. And immediately won $50, hence my new founded addiction.

All in all, about 78 people were at HTCC last night playing BINGO and from what I was told this was a great turnout. Many of the folks there are the monthly BINGO players but many were there to support The CHEMO Bag. We thank all of you.

The games started at 7PM when the rec. dir. introduced Michelle and I and gave us the floor to explain the idea behind The CHEMO Bag and our mission. Once again Michelle impressed her momma (and a few other folks too) with her ability to speak well in front of strangers. She explained our mission with ease and was articulate and clear. She answered questions and even did some networking for us. Two very promising contacts were made and I look forward to seeing how these contacts and I can mutually benefit each other.

The CHEMO Bag received a portion of the nights BINGO proceeds, all the raffle ticket money (the raffle continues all month long…if you are local I suggest you go check out the Silpada jewelry you could win, it’s wonderful!) and some flat monetary donations from some of the BINGO players. In the end we raised way more money than I expected to, I am very pleased!

Sometimes I am just amazed at how well this is taking off…overwhelmed with gratitude and at a loss for words.

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